Heating Controls
Make your Home more energy efficient
It is now possible to make your home more energy efficient by installing a heating system that allows you to decide the individual temperature of each room in your home. You can also use your smart phone to control your heating system when you are not even there.
By installing a control system like the UH1 it is possible for you to control 8 different thermostats around your home. By setting a programme for each room you can decide what days and at what time you would like your rooms to be heated at. You can also use the UH1 to control your hot water cylinder.
By installing a central touch pad you can control up to 32 thermostats from the one place.
Touchscreen thermostats are very simple to use and are completely beginner friendly.
By using the Neo App with your heating system you can remote control all your thermostats from anywhere in the world.